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Recent studies by researchers at the Massachusetts General Hospital’s (MGH) Center for Mental Health and Media have shown that playing online games helps to relieve stress and tension from work.
Certified Stress Buster
Stressed? Put some zombies out of their misery here!

Not only are online games a good way to relieve tensions, they are also a method of ‘getting away’ from reality and form of distraction when the going gets tough. Role-playing games such as Mystery P.I. - The Vegas Heist, for example, helps one imagine that he or she is someone else in a totally different world.
When given the ability to be the hero of a virtual world in a game, one can feel more capable and confident, knowing that he or she is able to solve problems and achieve success.
Game researcher and developer Jane McGonigal states that games with a plot line allow the player to immerse himself in wonder and awe of a totally different ‘world’ altogether.
Overall, it has been proven that online games are good for health, as it helps to relax the player. According to a study at McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, online gaming is a great stress reducer, reducing Cortisol (the stress hormone) by an average of 17%!
So when you next find yourself caught up in insane deadlines or impending examinations, stop and spend about twenty minutes of your time to a game. Then return to your tasks with a clear mind and a greater readiness to tackle them!
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